"Kazakhstani Government"

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Government Assignment: Kazakhstan by Brent Wilson 1.Provide a detailed explanation on the type of system of government in place and a general overview of its structure and how it operates. What is its Ideology? <Tab/><Tab/>Kazakhstan is officially declared a republic which means a political order in which the supreme power lies in the hands of citizens who vote for a representative who is in turn …

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…at $276.7 billion, China in second at $55.9 billion and France in third at $46.5 billion. In term of a military budget Canada ranks 17th among the world with an average of $7.861 billion per year spent. Kazakhstan spends around 0.9% <Tab/>on the military of there total Gross Domestic Product which is quite reasonable compared to North Korea who come in at 33.9%. In this area Canada's military expenditure is only around 1.1% of its total GDP.