Kate Chopin Biography

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Kate Chopin and The Awakening <Tab/>Kate Chopin, born Catherine O'Flaherty was born on July 12, 1850 in St. Louis, Missouri. Her mother was a French-American, Eliza Faris and her father Thomas, an Irish immigrant. They were a happy family until her father died suddenly in 1855. A life surrounded by a father figure had ceased. She then had only female role models in her widowed mother, widowed grandmother and widowed great grandmother. Her …

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…though it is not right, men are still the dominant sex and women continue to rebel against being forced to live the life of a stereotypical "house wife". Women back then had to fight just for their husbands to even let them get a job, make their own money, have their own life. Overall, this novel has many important messages that continue to be issues that are argued today between the male and female races.