Kanye West Video

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Kanye West Video In 2004, Kanye West received ten Grammy Award nominations, making him the most nominated artist of the year. Kanye won three Grammy Awards for Best R&B Song, Best Rap Song, and Best Rap Album "The New Workout Plan was the fourth single released from Kanye's album ''The College Dropout.'' The New Workout Plan didn't win any awards in 2004, but the video could be seen on MTV, VH1, and BET …

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…neighborhoods. The study found that among black teen girls, those who watch more rap videos are more likely to get in trouble with the law, use drugs, and become infected with sexually transmitted diseases. "The New Workout Plan" does not encourage women to be intelligent. It does not say that women are successful without a man. It doesn't even say that normal women are attractive. This kind of media should not be allowed on television.