Kakutani's "Word Police".

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
An Analysis of "The Word Police" In Michiko Kakutani's essay, "The Word Police," the author uses examples, illustrations and definitions to support the claim that our language is on the brink of absurdity because we hide our true identities and inequalities with euphemisms. In regard to euphemisms, Kakutani states that they "tend to distract attention from the real problems of prejudice and injustice in society" (423). Although the essay is persuasive and supported well, the author …

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…full persuade them to agree with her view that they are ineffective. The use of so many examples from the same source entices the reader to ponder the legitimacy of her arguments. One book is not enough ground to convince a sophisticated, intelligent reader. Moreover, Kakutani's neglect to suggest an alternative solution to the one offered by the politically correct advocates makes her essay seem unfinished, and casts a negative shadow over Kakutani's entire debate.