KISS, a cutters pint of view

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
KISS Whenever I'm upset or incapable of coping with a problem I'm having, I use writing as a canvas to draw how I am feeling. I think, why I resort mostly to that conclusion, is because neither paper, nor the pen can portray their opinions of my difficulties, they can neither mock nor judge me for my weaknesses. Through that technique I don't have to worry about losing control of what I might do or …

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…that eased her pain The swelling crimson, after the first cut Shattered and beaten, nothing left to gain Scars left unconcealed no matter what Convinced only herself is whom she pains One last time now, she breathed deep breaths of life The dancing blade like fire in her veins Ecstasy over came her, blood poured rife But that last slice, that last bloody kiss of steel Was the kiss of death, a death too surreal