Juvenile Offenders and Capital Punishment

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Although there are many different views and points to look at when discussing capital punishment, juvenile offenders should be excluded from the death penalty, because capital punishment is cruel, inhumane and barbaric. Capital punishment does not belong in the penal system of any modern, progressing culture. Is it really up to our justice system to decide one's fate? Is it up to our nation to decide whether to kill or not to kill the killers? …

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…are all capable of reformation. Is the reasoning not simply to teach a lesson that one punishes another? The offender should have the chance to go back into the world and prove himself honorable. Must we commit a crime to justify another? If capital punishment was only based on punishing the wrongdoers, there would be no one left to inject the needle or pull the lever. Everyone would be trying to fit into the chair.