Juvenile Crime Speech

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Juevenile Crime is a very real threat we have today in the United States. Every year, juvenile crime rates increase. I understand that our community wants to institue a night-time curfew for teenagers under the age of seventeen. However, I do not believe that the proposed curfew for youths is the most efficeient or even legal way of handling juvenile crime in our community. Although a teenage curfew sounds like an appealing solution to juveinle …

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…educational program. This type of program would provide for a safer and more constructive way of supervising teenagers during the afternoon hours, when juvinile crimes occur the most. So, I urge you to consider against instutiting a youth curfew to diminsish juvinle crimes, and instead looking into more sensible alternatives. It is my opinion that a curfew would not be very beneficial or productive to our communtiy, and could, in a way, hurt out community.