Justice in Australia

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Essay Database > Law & Government
1.<Tab/>Why is it important to seek justice? Australian society is preparing itself for the announcement of a federal election that will give power to a representative political body that will determine the future platforms that the people of Australia will be governed by. As a democratic society all Australian residents will be entitled to vote for a political representative that best reflects the personal beliefs and values. key messages from …

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…amp;middot;<Tab/>Reading 6 Everingham, C (2001), "Reconstituting community: social order and the politics of the community", in Journal of Social Issues, Vol.36 2, May. ·<Tab/>Reading 24<Tab/>Weeks, W (2000), "reflections on Social Work and Human Service Theory and Practice with Families and communities", Chapter 10, in Weeks & Quinn, M (eds), Issues Facing Australian Families: Human Services Respond, Frenchs Forest: Longman