Just Another Indian.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In October of 1994, a sinister and dreadful secret of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan emerged from beyond the hills and the forest to expose Saskatoon's fateful racist and discriminatory actions against aboriginal people. The horrible plight so often experienced by aboriginal women was un-earthed with the discovery of the bodies of three dead aboriginal prostitutes. It was quickly established that this was the work of a serial rapist and murderer and the investigation turned to the most likely …

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…Province must tackle racism if future to be bright. Star-Phoenix, A5. Goulding, Warren. (2001). Just Another Indian: A serial killer and Canada's indifference. Calgary, Alberta: Fifth House. MacPherson, Les. (1996, May 30). Why no nail-biting interest in Crawford case? Star-Phoenix, A3. Mills, Don. (2002, April 15). Serial mistakes. National Post, A15. Rud, Jeff. (2002, November 23). Police 'mishandled' case, Island parents plan to sue. Times Colonist, A1/Front. Sheane, Jo Lynn. (1996, June 8). Life and death on the edge of nowhere. Star-Phoenix, B4.