Julius Ceaser

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Gaius Julius Caesar was born on the 13th day of the month Quintilis, July in modern calendars, in the year 100 BC. His name was the same as his father's, with Gaius being his given name, and Julius being his surname. Caesar was the name for one branch of the Julian family, and originally meant "hairy." His family was not extremely wealthy, however they lived in relative comfort. Regardless of his background, he was well connected …

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…put into effect. Caesar had mad! e a large, lasting changes to the Roman Empire. His reforms would last for hundreds of years after his death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Bibliography 1. Encylopedia Britannica, vol. 15, 1997, "Caesar, Julius" pg. 402-406. 2. Encyclopedia Americana, vol. 5, 1996, "Caesar, Julius" pg. 135-138. 3. J.P.V.P. Baldson Julius Caesar: A Political Biography. New York: Athenaeum, 1967. 4. Storch, Rudolf H. "Relative Deprivation and the Ides of March: Motive for Murder." The Ancient History Bulletin. Vol. 9.1, 1995: 45-52.