Julius Caesar Overview

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Julius Caesar Key Facts Full title - The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Author - William Shakespeare Type of work - Play Genre - Tragic drama, historical drama Language - English Time and place written - 1599, in London Date of first publication - Published in the First Folio of 1623, probably from the theater company's official promptbook rather than from Shakespeare's manuscript Publisher - Edward Blount and William Jaggard headed the group of five men who undertook …

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…aims that Brutus has already come three-quarters of the way toward turning against Caesar; he hopes the letters will bring him the rest of the way around. Casca comments that the noble Brutus's participation in their plot will bring worthiness to their schemes, for "he sits high in all the people's hearts, / And that which would appear offence in us / His countenance, like richest alchemy, / Will change to virtue and to worthiness" (I.iii.157-60).