"Julius Caesar"

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
"Julius Caesar" has started out with many unpredictable characters. At one time you can suspect that a character will do one thing and do the exact opposite. The characters in this story are very incompatible. They play one role and then can turn around and play the contrary type of character. Julius Caesar is a play which has many conflicting characters which can be positively looked at or negatively looked at. Caesar is a character …

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…side of the bargain." I see Brutus, now, as a coward and as a man who can't accept the fact that now Rome doesn't need him. Julius Caesar has many characters that many people might see as cowardly, and yet others may see valor in that person. It all depends on that person's opinion or point of view. Julius Caesar, to me, so far, has shown that it is a play of many different opinions.