Julius Caesar

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Julius Caesar 'He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not, is a slave.' - Sir William Drumman All men have the power to reason. Some men can reason better, and more thorough than others. Yet nonetheless, all men can reason. In order to reason, one must clear his mind, be completely impartial, and understand the situation to the best of his ability. The …

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…the character that the reader feels for, wants to win, and pities. When one realizes Caesar's pompous, classless attitude, he is labeled the antagonist, and is wanted dead. In every aspect of the play earlier mentioned, Brutus is the driving force of nearly everything that occurs. Caesar is but an after-thought of the reader, and is realized as the inciting action, and nothing more. Brutus is, by all means, the dominating force in the play.