Juliet capulet diary

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Day 1 Dear Diary, The most amazing and magical thing happened to me today at the masquerade! I believe I am in love...not just any love, but true love. I was not especially excited for the ball, and when I arrived I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I was having. Aside the fact that mother was trying to set me up with this young man, Paris. She wants me to be married, and …

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…I was alone in the cold, heartless world when I suddenly decided to seek for Friar Lawrence and do some truth talking. Trembling like crazy, I told Friar Lawrence and asked for his advice. I felt dazed and so many emotions were going. He thought of a solution for me to meet up with Romeo. I hope it really works. So goodnight, I hope all will be well when I wake up. -*Juliet*-