Jules Verne's Ideas Around His Novel, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea...

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"No science of behaviour can change the essential nature of man, even though both sciences yield technologies with a vast power to manipulate their subject matters" - Burrhus Frederic Skinner, Cumulative Record (Third Edition 1972) Chapter 1 "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely". John Emrich Edward Dalberg-Acton, Lord Acton Letter to Bishop Mendall Creighton, April 5,1887 Jules Verne predicted the future. He wrote his novels as a means to warn and inform a corrupt society. …

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…describes how society is corrupt. He provides an alternative and says that paradise can be attained, through the combination of different outlooks on life. Verne also delivers the message that power can corrupt anyone. It's wonderful that he was able to combine the two. He has Captain Nemo living in paradise with the technology to do almost anything, but this extreme power inevitability turns him corrupt with the ideas of superiority. Ultimately he simply dies.