Judgment at Nuremberg

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Judgement at Nuremberg is a fictionalized account of the war crimes and trial of judges and prosecutors who served the Nazis. Judgement at Nuremberg depicts a watershed event, the first trial basedupon principles of justice and international laws of the leaders of a country that had waged aggressive war and committed crimes against humanity. This film is a gripping, provocative and searching look at the moral issues surrounding both the actions of the accused and …

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…ex post facto punishments, for example punishement for actions which were not criminal when they committed. The Nurember tribunal accepted the defense only if there was no possibilty of making a choice not to carry out the order, a situation that did not apply to most perpetrators. The Nuremberg Judges rejected the ex post facto defense on the basis that the actions of the defendants were so atricious that it was obvious they were criminals.