"Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Mother and Child Reunion No child can truly realize the unconditional love and feeling of commitment that a mother has to protect her children. Most mother's do not have a full understand of the love that swells over them after the birth of a child it is an over whelming bond that makes those stories of a mother picking a car up to save her child believable. And while the union of mother and child …

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…mother's culture and life lessons. But when they come to grips with that the key to understanding their own mother then they begin to understand themselves and become come comfortable and a person who is the combination and amalgamation of all of their elements: Daughter, Adult, Woman, Chinese, and American. And in turn the mother's legacy is left, and fulfilled life and happy descendants who will impart the knowledge they have gained to the next.