Joy Luck Club Response

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Of the many stories involving the many characters of "The Joy Luck Club", I believe the central theme connecting them all is the inability of the mothers and their daughters to communicate effectively. The mothers all have stories of past struggles and hard times yet do not believe their daughters truly appreciate this fact. The mothers of the story all want their daughters to never have to go through the struggles they themselves had to …

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showed last 75 words of 2016 total
…e daughters are the comments sometimes made by the mothers that hurt or anger the daughters. The mothers want their daughters to know them and remember them, but fail to effectively communicate with them. One of the most interesting things about the book is the page after the acknowledgments. It simply reads, "To my mother and the memory of her mother. You asked me once what I would remember. This, and much more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**