Journeys end Questions: "Journey's End"

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
8. In the times of the war, everything must have seemed very dull and sad. These horrible feelings inside of everyone will have caused much digression and if people showed there sadness and hopelessness, the atmosphere in the trenches and the dug outs would have been terribly depressing. This is why people like Trotter tried not to express their sorrow, but instead appear to be feeling normal, and happy. Instead of acting as if things were …

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…possible to feel the tension between the characters. The conflict between them is obvious, everybody is still feeling the need to say something, but they also know the argument is over, so it often will take a long time for anyone to say anything. It is very effective in play because of this, for the silence really makes the audience excited for they want to know the consequences of the silence, but nothing is happening.