Journeys Speech (Australian HSC English)

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
As a famous American novelist John Steinbeck once stated, 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry'. Many journeys reflect this reality as despite their best efforts to organise and plan for the 'perfect trip', travellers encounter circumstances that propel them into perhaps totally different directions. This is evidenced in Pierre Montana's immigration to Italy five years ago. Immigration is a one-way journey and immigrants are often presented with relatively more barriers …

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…undergone an inner journey and formed his own emotional responses to the circumstances encountered. "You learn something new everyday". Journeys are a continuous process of discovery, whether or self actualisation or gaining new experiences. From my interview with Pierre I also have come to accept this facet of journeys as a response to his intriguing recollections. I hope that you also have gained a deeper insight and thankyou for partaking with my exploration of journeys.