Journey's Road- Chapter 1: The Decision to Leave Home

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
"Anabella Silver! Turn around and look at me!" The young woman in question, just out of childhood, blinked her chestnut eyes rapidly and whipped her small head around to face the older, gray-haired man towering like an ominous dark cloud before her. So busy was she rethinking her actions today, she had not heard the soft thuds or the clunks of boots from the well-dressed gentleman while he had approached her from behind. She peered …

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…with her attitude and fiery temper. As the tears dried on her face, sticky and damp, Ana realized her course of action. Yes, after doing her duty, she would leave, set off for Asburn. She had heard of the place before from her long departed mother, a wondrous abbey near Kindlee where her own mother was born and raised. Yes, she would go there, meet her mother's kin, and perhaps discover where she truly belonged.