"Journey's End" by R.C Sherriff.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
How does Journey's End show the effects of war on the men involved? Journey's End is a play about British soldiers in World War One, and the effects the war has on them, both physically and mentally. The play explores many aspects of war life, including friendship, alcoholism, class boundaries and the lifestyle of the men in the trenches. This essay explores how the play shows the effects of war on those involved, looking at …

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…age or experience. Raleigh is a young, inexperienced newcomer, and Osborne is an experienced senior officer, but they both die within a few days. Journeys End shows the effects of the war on the men involved very realistically, using dramatic devices such as sound, dialogue, props and lighting very effectively. It paints a clear picture in the reader's mind of what it was like in the trenches, and how the men were affected by battle.