Journal Writing - A foreign migrant experiences in Australia

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The past 24 hours of my life has been an immense challenge for me; yet at the same time a brilliant breath taking learning experience. The only words that could only express my deep emotions would be "A rollercoaster ride" - thrilling, suspenseful, scary, and horrific all at the same time. Today marked the day of my many exciting journeys. It was my first nerve-racking day attending an Australian school. As a migrant from Vietnam, I …

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…same situation. With this being said, I began to enjoy and love my first day attending an Australian school. I am fortunate that I am in a school where I am treated with an overwhelming amount of respect and understanding from students and teachers. They have positively made me feel at home. What I thought to turn out to be a dreadful nightmare actually turned out to be something I love and certainly approve of.