Journal Entries for the play, "Of the Fields, Lately" by David French.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Of the Fields, Lately RESPONSE JOURNAL March 9, 2003 The play Of the Fields, Lately portrays an average working class family living in the cold, isolated area of Newfoundland. Written by David French, The Mercer Family struggles with themselves in their close-knit traditions and encounter difficulties in getting along with each other. The Mercer Family is not a picture-perfect family as the Brady Bunch. They have values and behaviour which predominantly affects their lifestyles. The relationship between …

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…lot of stress on their backs, like the Mercers. Ben and Jacob need to come to terms; Mary needs to resolve her issues with Wiff and most importantly, everyone needs to "forgive and forget" in order to sustain a happy life! *NOTE: This is my collection of journals that I have compiled into this creative writing piece; it is not a formal essay and this is why I use personal pronouns such as "I"*