Josie learns about herself through the people in her life. Explain what she learns and from whom.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the novel, Looking for Alibrandi, Josie learn deeper inner truths rather than academic facts. She gained a great deal of knowledge from significant people including Nonna Katia, Michael, John and Jacob. By the end of the novel, Josie turned out to be more accepting and empathetic of the people around her, responsible and self-aware. At first, Josie was a very emotionally distraught teenage girl. She was bothered about her Italian background and that she …

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…being more ambitious and that life is not all fun and games. "During the year I think that Jacob Coote became a bit more ambitious than he used to be and I became a bit less." Hence, Josie's relationship with all these people converted her identity, her mixed up feelings and her emotions dramatically. Josie has changed from the emotionally distraught teenage girl, to a mature young woman who has really begun to feel emancipated.