Joseph McCarthy

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Senator Joseph Mc Carthy Senator Joseph McCarthy's actions during the Cold War with the Soviet Union led to a change in American life, and thus it changed the future. Joe McCarthy had a very strong presence, this played an important role in his political life. McCarthy was able to manipulate the media into supporting him and his cause. His tactics of basing his campaign upon the fear people had of Communists was highly effective. McCarthy's …

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…had been spread, and this would set in motion a set of events that would put the two world superpowers in a collision course, it would set the stage for the rise of the Cold War. Bibliography *Reeves, Thomas. The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy. New Haven: Madison Books 1988. *Crosby, Donald. God, Church, and Flag: Senator Joe McCarthy. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1979. *O'Brien, Patrick. Nightmare in Red. Atlanta: Dell Publishing Inc. 1990.