Joseph Campbell's Mythical Story Structure and the Movie Tombstone

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
In the movie Tombstone, we can find several characters and events that fit into Joseph Campbell's mythical story structure. Wyatt Earp, who is the mythological hero in the movie, arrives in Tombstone, Arizona with a reputation that is larger than life. Wyatt and his brothers are looking to settle down and make a living. Wyatt is resistant to the call of adventure for a while, but he eventually reaches the threshold of adventure after his …

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…is both the Cowboy gang, as well as Wyatt's own personal demons. I think Wyatt is dealing with a reputation that is as much fiction as it is truth, and it frustrates him. In the end, he ends up going on a rampage that in a way makes him no better than the forces of evil with whom he has been waging war. In that way, I feel the movie differs from Campbell's story structure.