Jordan and Israel

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Essay Database > History
THE PEACE TREATY BETWEEM THE STATE OF ISRAEL AND THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN King Hussein, President Weizman, Prime Minister Rabin, Prime Minister Majali, Crown Prince Hassan, Foreign Minister Peres, Foreign Minister Kozyrev, the Secretary of State, the people of Jordan and Israel, with special thanks to those who are our cheering section up there we thank you all. At the dawn of this peace of the generations, in this ancient place, we celebrate the …

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…much hardship, your Majesty, your day has come. Truly you have fulfilled your grandfather's legacy.Prime Minster Rabin, you have spent a lifetime as a soldier fighting first to establish your country and then for so long to defend it. For a lifetime you have fought with skill, and tenacity and courage, Simply to achieve a secure and lasting peace for your people. Now you have given them the hope of life after the siege.