John Waters' cult classic "Pink Flamingos."

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As a student at a Catholic high school in Baltimore in the 1960s, John Waters sneaked off to see all the movies condemned by the church's Legion of Decency. Prior to the creation of Pink Flamingos, John Waters was ejected from NYU film school for having the wrong attitude towards film. "Originating and working in Baltimore, Md., and inspired by New York underground filmmakers like the Kuchar brothers, Andy Warhol, and Kenneth Anger, Waters perfected …

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…witty--all the good words. It is a hallmark John Waters film, an absolute classic piece of American cinema, right up there with The Birth of a Nation, Dr. Strangelove, and Boom! Bibliography Ebert, Roger. Pink Flamingos. 1997. 1 May 2003. Geier, Thom. "Mr. Bad Taste Goes Respectable." U.S. News & World Report. 15 April 1997: 40-42. Travers, Peter. "Pink Flamingos." Rolling Stone. 4 Sept. 1997: 74. Van Sant, Gus. "Pink Flamingos." The Advocate. 15 April 1997: 16.