John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath: "Casy and Tom: Two Explorers"

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Essay Database > Literature > English
One interpretation of the poem by Gwendolyn Brooks titled "The Explorer" is that the speaker of the poem is on a journey in his mind, in search for his true self. Many people explore themselves in order to define who they are, why they are here, and what their role in life is; some more than others. In John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, a novel about the hardships of the migrant workers who travel …

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…They may have not started from the same point, and even were notably different types of people towards the beginning. At some point though, every explorer shares the same or similar thought with another explorer, and though neither can explain to the other when one of them hasn't come to this enlightenment yet, once both have, there is a mutual understanding that the "something" we've always strived for is possible to attain, especially with others.