"John Mackasey" This is a short paper on John Mackasey, an Irish Catholic and other irish immigrants living in Canada during the late 1800s.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
John Mackasey (1840-1919), an Irish Catholic, lived in Halifax during a difficult time. Irish Catholics were placed in the lowest-paid, least-skilled, and most dangerous and insecure employment. They found many social and economic doors closed to them. During this time, work was not easy to find and one could soon find advertisements for jobs which specified : "No Irish Need Apply", later shortened to NINA.# Irish-Americans generally began at the 'bottom of the pile'. There was …

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…only the best for his Irish Catholic associates. Initially the strike was successful but in the end the union defeated and sadly John Mackasey was forgotten. He fought hard for the longshore workers of Halifax, trying to make their work lives more enjoyable. It was long remembered as the 19th century high point of workers' struggles in the city. Although John Mackasey was largely forgotten, he hopes his efforts and motives will always be cherished.