"John Locke's model for Society" -- a brief 1 page essay on John Locke and his Model for Society.

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Essay Database > History > European History
-Over view- this was a brief 1 page essay used to "place" students into the correct section of a HIST 102 class. It talks about how John Locke came to formulating this model and a brief biography at the end, talking about how he got to where he was. -Improvements- This was only a 1 page essay, it's pretty solid and i recieved very good comments. This paper was not graded, but it did place me into the "…

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…many high positions under wealthy families and also governmental positions. John was able to see much of the corruption and abuse dispersed to the English under the Monarchy. This is what must have moved him to his anti-absolutist ideals and publications. Little did Locke know, that his writings would soon inspire Thomas Jefferson to write the "Declaration of Independence" which severed the ties between the colonies and England, giving America its independence from monarchy rule.