John Lennon

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
John Lennon The murder of John Lennon, although not a technical assassination, still had an affect politically on the world. It affected many people, not only his friends, family, and fans, but the government was affected by this tragic happening. There are many theories on how and why John Lennon was killed. This essay will touch upon these different theories and look upon a few eerie things that may have foreshadowed this tragic murder. John …

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…just an eerie look on the possible foreshadowing of his death. Although there are still mysteries on why and for what reason John Lennon was murdered, there are many facts to look at regarding the issue. After looking at these facts and reporting, it is possible to determine whether the theories are valid. By doing this, it may be possible to avoid such a situation in the future, without losing a well-respected legacy of music.