John Keates - "Ode to Autumn" - "Ode to Autumn" is a typical example of romantic poetry is which a "oneness with nature" is revealed through sensuous images. Do you agree?

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"Ode to Autumn" does convey a "oneness with nature" through sensuous images and techniques. Alliteration, personification, imagery, similes, rhetorical questions, enjambment and positive connotations contained in this poem are all techniques that add to this idea. The alliteration in the line "mists and mellow" adds to the calming imagery represented in this poem. It creates a soft and somewhat tranquil tone. Another example of alliteration is "winnowing wind". This example also creates a melodious and …

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…Autumn as he can. This poem is about the beauty and essential goodness of nature, especially Autumn. It shows that there is always a positive in everything and John Keates may have been thinking of his own death while writing this as he tried to connect his last days with nature. This composition shows the personas connections and entirety with nature through the use of techniques and through the underlying meanings that the poem has.