John Gray's book "Mars and Venus Starting Over".

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A breakup divorce or loss of loved ones isn't just the end of your relationship with that person. It's a continuation of every feeling of abandonment you've ever suffered. It's the loss of a system of approval you'd come to depend on. The struggle as John Gray points out in "Starting Over" isn't just to find a new partner, but to get over those feelings of abandonment or loss or anger or whatever else dredged …

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…and their reaction is different how would you expect that an American would understand the Somalian experience he has never been to that part of the world. I think Gray's main thesis and his solutions are overly simplified and based on gender stereotypes. They also grossly generalize the role and issues of men and women. It not only misrepresents the reality but also distorts it. Sources: Gray, John "Mars and Venus Starting Over", Harper Collins, 1998