John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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Essay Database > History > North American History
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in Brookline on May the 29th, 1917. His grandparents were Irish immigrants. His father at the age of 25, after Harvard, became the youngest bank president in the United States. He was a great investor and he made a fortune. In 1914 Joe Kennedy married Rose Fitzgerald, the daughter of John Fitzgerald, a politician from Boston. Young Jack Kennedy (it means John Fitzgerald Kennedy) was the second child in that family. He was …

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…either. The Warren Comission tried to solve those murders. To be quite frank, I'm afraid we will never find out the truth about the President's death. I think it mustn't see the light of day. On November the 25th, 1963 the President's body left the White House, and was taken to the Capitol building for public viewing, then to The Arlington National Cemetery. Thousands of people from all over the world took place in his funeral.