John F. Kennedy

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Essay Database > History
In a power hungry political system, chaos is bound to occur and that is precisely what happened in the fall of 1963 with assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Who knows exactly what happened in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963? No one knows but opposing theories have been brought forth which challenged American minds. The first devised by the Warren Commission, the appointed investigating committee after the assassination, concluded that the assassin was a lone man named …

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…sloppy investigation in order to cover up the conspiracy. It was not a one man operation but involved the CIA, the mob, and Cubans who conflicted with the decisions of President Kennedy. Kennedy, who sought to make reforms during his presidency, was set up to be killed and Lee Harvey Oswald was chosen to take the blame. Garrison's theory proves much more fathomable than that presented by Chief Justice Warren and his magic bullet theory.