Johann Sebastian Bach

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Johann Sebastian Bach was born on the 21st of March in 1685 in a town called Eisenach. He was the youngest son of Johann Ambrosius Bach who was a town musician. J. Sebastian Bach probably learned his the basic knowledge of music theory and also to play the violin from his father. When J. Sebastian Bach was ten years old he was orphaned and had to live with his elder brother J. Christopher Bach which was …

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…deteriorate and in March and April of 1750 he was twice operated on by the English oculist John Taylor. These operations are said to have brought death to back but, these opnions have never been proven . Bach was a great composer and lived 65 years. For these 65 years he was totally infatuated in music that, was what he ate, slept and, breathed. There may never be a composer that matches up to that of Johann Sebastian Bach.