Joe Gargery's Character Analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
'...all(Dicken's characters), no matter how briefly sketched are real.(CLIFFS NOTES P.54).Charles Dickens has the ability to make his characters very close to human, if not human. Charles Dickens' novel, Great Expectations, is mainly based on a character named Pip who goes from 'rags' to 'riches'. Joe Gargery, Pip's brother-in-law, lives with Pip and Mrs. Joe in the marsh country. He is a blacksmith who doesn't make a lot of money but manages …

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…would not be able to continue without Joe. Joe's representation to the theme received an A because Joe was the one who didn't care about sophisticated manners, but only genuine kindness and affection. '...There has been no writer of fiction in the western world who had Dicken's genius for creating such an infinite variety of characters.'(CLIFFS NOTES p.54) Charles Dickens has created Joe as an amazing character in the novel, Great Expectations.