Job description

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Waiter/Waitress Goal: As a result of successfully completing your job, all restaurant stations will always be at their highest level of presentation and customers will leave the restaurant with a sense of having been personally attended to by an individual who puts each and every customer's restaurant needs as the highest priority causing the customer to express appreciation and a desire to return. Waiter/Waitress Responsibility area includes: a 25 seat restaurant serving breakfast, lunch …

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…toe shoes please. EMPLOYMENT QUALIFICATIONS: * Have a consistently positive service attitude. * Be willing to maintain a neat appearance and be well groomed while on duty or in contact with our customers. APPEARANCE REQUIREMENTS: A clean & wholesome appearance for men and women is a must for employment. Visible tattoos and extremes in hairstyles, clothing, jewelry or makeup are not permitted. Our customers expect each of us to present a neat and clean appearance at all times.