Jim Thomson

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Jim Thomson's House The first time when I heard this name "Jim Thomson's House" in the class of English for Guide, I didn't know what this place is like and there were many questions about this house in my head such as where is it located ? who is Jim Thomson ? what did he do? why his house is famous? and what are interesting things in there? Fortunately, when the list of my questions finished, my …

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…was attractive to me, I didn't know why. However, I think Jim's Thomson House should be improved about guide's accent; it is quiet Thai accent so I could notice that the couple of foreigner who joined with our tour group seem to be so bored. The entrance fee was expensive; it should be 30 baht per person. The borchure; should have more designs, pictures and informations about Jim Thomson's life with conspiracy theories why he disappeared.