"Jim Morrison"

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
James Douglas Morrison was born in Melbourne, Florida December 8, 1943 to Clara and Steve Morrison. Clara was a stay-at-home mother and daughter of a lawyer. Steve was an officer in the U.S. Navy. Jim had two younger siblings: a brother, Andy, and a sister, Anne. Anne was the youngest of the three. Jim began his interest in reading at an early age. Even though being a very intelligent child, Jim showed his lack of respect …

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…legacy continues to grow. Jim was the man who gave rock that sense of being wild and living on the edge, because that is exactly what he did his whole life. No one really knows what happened that day on that long stretch of desert highway between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, but there is no denying that ,whatever the case may be, something fueled Jim Morrison to make his long lasting impression on the world.