Jews in Rhode Island in the 18th Century.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
In the 18th century, the United States had a small but significant Jewish community. Some of those Jews settled in New Amsterdam (present-day New York City), but others, went to Rhode Island seeking freedom from persecution. They settled in the port-town of Newport and after some hardship, were finally able to be open with their Judaism. Their economic prosperity even enticed Jews form New York City to move there in 1740. The Jewish community in Newport …

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…in Brazil, but their efforts were lost when the Portuguese conquered the area. Throughout almost three hundred years of running from oppression, and finally finding themselves free, the Sephardic Jews of Newport, Rhode Island kept their Jewish traditions from generation to generation. They fought for their rights, and eventually created one of the most booming colonial cities of its time. The Jews of Newport, Rhode Island are a true testament to everything that is American.