Jewish history

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Were movements in European Jewry such as Haskalah, Reform, and Zionism merely responses to negative perceptions of Jewry? Or were they positive movements in their own rights? For centuries, the Jewish communities around Europe strived to find their sense of identity within the vast continent. Through several controversial yet relatively triumphant and progressive movements such as the Haskalah, Reform as well as Zionism, European Jewry managed not only to maintain their social status, but had …

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…the occurrence of these movements, as Jews continuously struggled to gain acceptance within the Christian dominated society. Bibliography -The modern Jewish experience: emancipation to the Holocaust, Zionism-Dr Sharon Kangisser-Cohen, 4-4-06 -The modern Jewish experience: emancipation to the Holocaust, 5a the reform movement-Julie Kalman lecture notes - David Vital, the origins of Zionism (Oxford: Clarendon press 1975) 223-245 - Michael Meyer, response to modernity: a history of reform movement in Judaism (Detroit: Wayne State university press,1988),