Jewish Discrimination

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Essay Database > History
The Jewish "race" has been in existence since 1300 B.C. Jews are not even a race, but more of a religious group. They are united under the religion of Judaism. The Jewish identity is a blend of ethnic, national, and religious concepts. The term "Jew" has often been used in a derogatory manner. Many people think that Jews are a dirty, filthy, cheap, miserly race of people. This is completely absurd, because they practice a …

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…the truth and admitted that they were Jewish because they believed that God would take care of them. As a collective group, Jews were routinely separated from family members, soon to be led off quickly to far away destinations, which became fatal for some. There are only a handful of survivors left to speak out first hand about the painful memories. As a nation, we must never allow history to repeat itself in this manner.