Jewish Culture

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Israeli culture reflects the diverse background of its people. The country's most successful writers draw their inspiration from Jewish tradition. Such writers have included the novelist Shmuel Yosef Agnon, co-winner of the 1966 Nobel Prize in literature, and the philosopher Martin Buber. The foremost orchestra of the nation, the Israel Philharmonic, attracts a number of world-famous conductors and soloists each year. A vigorous tradition of folk song, in which the influence of Oriental Jewish music is …

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…onducted by various Christian groups are also widely attended. An educational problem peculiar to Israel is that of assisting immigrants of various backgrounds to adjust to Israeli society. In the early 1990s about 960,200 Israeli children attended kindergarten or elementary schools, about 163,600 attended intermediate schools, and about 273,900 students were enrolled in general secondary schools. In addition, about 121,600 students attended vocational schools, and 96,700 persons were enrolled in institutions of higher education, including about 18,100 attending teacher-training colleges.2 cultere