Jewish Americans

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Essay Database > History
I. Banks, James A. 1997. Teaching Strategies for Ethnic Studies. Allyn and Bacon, Boston; MA. II. Summary Chapter nine of, Teaching Strategies for Ethnic Studies covers the ethnic group, Jewish Americans. In the United States at present time there are about 5.5 million Jewish Americans. They comprise about 2.2% of the U. S. population. They are a religious, cultural, and ethnic minority group that originated in Israel. They live in each of the fifty states, and are a …

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…American Nazi Party. An outbreak of anti-Semitism is being seen in the Black community as well. There are major changes in the Jewish family structure as well. A lower percentage of Jews now live I a traditional household. Many marry outside of their faith. This change causes many to worry about the survival of Judaism in America. At this point in time, the Jewish community remains an important ethnic and religious group in American society.