"Jesus Christ Superstar", movie review separted in 5 parts.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
1.The interpretation of Jesus in the movie is more or less of what he is shown as in the Bible: he was a good man whose mission was to preach the good word of God and to die in order to save the people of mankind. However I felt that there was one major difference in the interpretations of Jesus' personality. Jesus was portrayed in the movie as a person with more human feelings and …

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…he was said to be in the bibles, where he was a calm and gentle man. This movie helps us understand the way that Jesus and his disciples felt. To me, this helped me understand why Judas could betray Jesus, because before, I thought that he did it only for money, but now I understand that he did it because he believed that God wanted him to. All in all, I would recommend this movie.