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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Jealousy My face turns green with envy as I sit on the other line of the phone, listening to my boyfriend talk about hanging out with his "new friends". Jealousy has never been a problem for me, but as soon as my boyfriend, Zac, went to college, all I ever get is jealous. Whenever he calls I dread the conversation because I'm too afraid I'll end up hearing about his newest hobby and feel jealous …

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…don't enjoy it at all. I'm disappointed in me to let myself get to this point. Zac choosing to go to college has really begun to challenge our relationship. I believe in meeting new people, and do agree to have him continue his "new friend" search, even though I despise it. I know we'll make it through this long year, but it will take me awhile to get rid of this evil monster called Jealousy.