Jean-Honore Fragonard: Analysis of Diana at Rest and The Visti to the Nursery

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French Rococo painter, Jean-Honore Fragonard, is one of the most noted artists of the eighteenth century. Many aspects played a significant role in the influence of the works that Fragonard produced, including the aristocracy, his patrons, life experience, and preceding artists to name a few. While many Rococo artists depicted scenes of aristocracy at play, Fragonard mastered these scenes while also incorporating distinctive erotic connotations. Although strong sexual innuendo was exceptionally evident in his paintings, …

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…Fragonard, as he had many significant influences. Had Fragonard not existed and had he not made sexuality the primary focus of many of his paintings, one might wonder how far women would have evolved from sexual oppression. Although we are unable to establish the impact that Fragonard had not only on art, but also on the progression of society, it is clear that today's world may have been entirely different if not for his works.